Monday, 3 October 2016

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride therapy is the delivery of fluoride to the teeth topically in order to prevent tooth decay (dental caries), which results in cavities. Most commonly, fluoride is applied topically to the teeth using gels, varnishes, toothpaste/dentifrices or mouth rinse.

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral compound found in water and soil. It is also present in foods and beverages at varying concentrations. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making the entire tooth surface more resistant to acid attacks from the bacteria that live in the plaque on your teeth. Fluoride also promotes remineralization (adding minerals such as calcium back in to your teeth), which aids in repairing early decay before a cavity (hole) forms in the tooth. There are two ways to increase fluoride protection: topical and systemic applications.


1 comment:

  1. Fluoride treatment has many benefits. Firstly, it can prevent cavities by disrupting the bacteria that cause them. In addition, fluoride strengthens the tooth's enamel, protecting it against cavities and other harmful substances. Therefore, the treatment is also beneficial for people with specific health problems. If you suffer from tooth decay, a fluoride treatment can help you prevent this.
